Biofilm formation

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Biofilms are the result of the multicellular lifestyle of B. subtilis. They are characterized by the formation of a matrix polysaccharide and an amyloid-like protein, TasA. Correction of sfp, epsC, swrAA, and degQ as well as introduction of rapP from a plasmid present in NCIB3610 results in biofilm formation in B. subtilis 168 PubMed.

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SinR regulon

Biofilm formation in SubtiPathways

Labs working on biofilm formation

Key genes and operons involved in biofilm formation

Important original publications

Anna L McLoon, Sarah B Guttenplan, Daniel B Kearns, Roberto Kolter, Richard Losick
Tracing the domestication of a biofilm-forming bacterium.
J Bacteriol: 2011, 193(8);2027-34
[PubMed:21278284] [] [DOI] (I p)

Arnaud Bridier, Dominique Le Coq, Florence Dubois-Brissonnet, Vincent Thomas, Stéphane Aymerich, Romain Briandet
The spatial architecture of Bacillus subtilis biofilms deciphered using a surface-associated model and in situ imaging.
PLoS One: 2011, 6(1);e16177
[PubMed:21267464] [] [DOI] (I e)

Nicola R Stanley, Beth A Lazazzera
Defining the genetic differences between wild and domestic strains of Bacillus subtilis that affect poly-gamma-dl-glutamic acid production and biofilm formation.
Mol Microbiol: 2005, 57(4);1143-58
[PubMed:16091050] [] [DOI] (P p)

Key reviews

Additional reviews: PubMed

Adam Driks
Tapping into the biofilm: insights into assembly and disassembly of a novel amyloid fibre in Bacillus subtilis.
Mol Microbiol: 2011, 80(5);1133-6
[PubMed:21488983] [] [DOI] (I p)

Tjakko Abee, Akos T Kovács, Oscar P Kuipers, Stijn van der Veen
Biofilm formation and dispersal in Gram-positive bacteria.
Curr Opin Biotechnol: 2011, 22(2);172-9
[PubMed:21109420] [] [DOI] (I p)

Roberto Kolter
Biofilms in lab and nature: a molecular geneticist's voyage to microbial ecology.
Int Microbiol: 2010, 13(1);1-7
[PubMed:20890834] [] [DOI] (I p)

Daniel López, Hera Vlamakis, Roberto Kolter
Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol: 2010, 2(7);a000398
[PubMed:20519345] [] [DOI] (I p)

Daniel Lopez, Hera Vlamakis, Roberto Kolter
Generation of multiple cell types in Bacillus subtilis.
FEMS Microbiol Rev: 2009, 33(1);152-63
[PubMed:19054118] [] [DOI] (P p)

Hera Vlamakis, Claudio Aguilar, Richard Losick, Roberto Kolter
Control of cell fate by the formation of an architecturally complex bacterial community.
Genes Dev: 2008, 22(7);945-53
[PubMed:18381896] [] [DOI] (P p)

J A Shapiro
Thinking about bacterial populations as multicellular organisms.
Annu Rev Microbiol: 1998, 52;81-104
[PubMed:9891794] [] [DOI] (P p)

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