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Genes in this functional category
Germinant receptors
Additional germination proteins
- csgA
- cwlJ
- gdh
- gerD
- gerE
- gerM
- gerPA
- gerPB
- gerPC
- gerPD
- gerPE
- gerPF
- gerQ
- gerT
- gerW
- gpr
- lgt
- lipC
- prkC
- sleB
- spoVAD
- spoVAEA
- spoVAEB
- tepA
- ykvU
- ylzJ
- ynzB
- ypeB
- ywcE
Additional candidates (based on similarity)
Important original publications
Katja Nagler, Peter Setlow, Yong-Qing Li, Ralf Moeller
High salinity alters the germination behavior of Bacillus subtilis spores with nutrient and nonnutrient germinants.
Appl Environ Microbiol: 2014, 80(4);1314-21
(I p)
Kerry-Ann V Stewart, Peter Setlow
Numbers of individual nutrient germinant receptors and other germination proteins in spores of Bacillus subtilis.
J Bacteriol: 2013, 195(16);3575-82
(I p)
B Setlow, J Yu, Y-Q Li, P Setlow
Analysis of the germination kinetics of individual Bacillus subtilis spores treated with hydrogen peroxide or sodium hypochlorite.
Lett Appl Microbiol: 2013, 57(4);259-65
(I p)
Rachna Pandey, Alex Ter Beek, Norbert O E Vischer, Jan P P M Smelt, Stanley Brul, Erik M M Manders
Live cell imaging of germination and outgrowth of individual bacillus subtilis spores; the effect of heat stress quantitatively analyzed with SporeTracker.
PLoS One: 2013, 8(3);e58972
(I p)
Kerry-Ann V Stewart, Xuan Yi, Sonali Ghosh, Peter Setlow
Germination protein levels and rates of germination of spores of Bacillus subtilis with overexpressed or deleted genes encoding germination proteins.
J Bacteriol: 2012, 194(12);3156-64
(I p)
Important reviews