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Welcome to SubtiWiki! - Bacillus subtilis annotation the "wiki" way!
Contact: General Microbiology, University of Göttingen, send mail
Upcoming events:
- April 16 - 19, 2012: The 5th European Spore Conference will take place in London, UK. contact, conference website
- April 24 - 25, 2012: The BACELL meeting 2012 will be organized by Kevin Devine in Dublin, Ireland. contact, The deadline for registration is approaching!
New: Subtiwiki is now on Facebook - please give it a +1!
Now online: A description of SubtiWiki, SubtiPathways, and SubtInteract in the 2012 Database issue of Nucleic Acids Research
Ulrike Mäder, Arne G Schmeisky, Lope A Flórez, Jörg Stülke
SubtiWiki--a comprehensive community resource for the model organism Bacillus subtilis.
Nucleic Acids Res: 2012, 40(Database issue);D1278-87
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Paper of the month: March 2012
- Beckmann et al. from the lab of Roland Hartmann show how 6S RNA is released from RNA polymerase upon interaction with short 'product' RNAs (pRNAs) that are formed as a product of the interaction between SigA-containing RNA polymerase and 6S RNA.
- Relevant SubtiWiki pages: Roland Hartmann, 6S RNA, SigA, RNA polymerase, transcription
Beckmann BM, Hoch PG, Marz M, Willkomm DK, Salas M, Hartmann RK A pRNA-induced structural rearrangement triggers 6S-1 RNA release from RNA polymerase in Bacillus subtilis. EMBO J. 2012, Feb 14. doi: 10.1038/emboj.2012.23. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed
New procedure for account creation:
- Due to massive spam attacks, we had to change our policy for the creation of accounts. If you want to create an account, just send me a mail. We will create the account for you as quickly as possible, then you can change your password. This does not affect existing accounts, which remain active.
- Please remember that all members of the Bacillus community are invited to create accounts and to contribute to SubtiWiki!
News in SubtiWiki:
- June 2011: updated Excel files that map all genes to categories and regulons as well as the general updated identity mapping of all genes were uploaded.
- April 2011: SubtInteract, a presentation of protein-protein interactions in B. subtilis, is online!
- December 2010: SubtiCellPublisher allows the conversion of CellDesigner diagrams to navigatable presentations in the style of SubtiPathways
- December 2010: all genes are linked to regulons, and the pages of the regulons provide an overview on all genes that are members of this specific regulon.
- December 2010: all genes/proteins are linked to categories, and the pages of the categories provide an overview on all genes/proteins that are members of this specific category.
- August 2010: several new pathway maps including Utilization of other nitrogen sources, Biotin synthesis, Murein recycling, and Protein secretion were uploaded to SubtiPathways
- March 2010: novel plasmids for the creation of strains expressing proteins with a C-terminal triple FLAG-tag (for simple immunological analysis of the proteins, pGP1087 and pGP1331)
Publications describing SubtiWiki and SubtiPathways: