Ev Dannies
Mor Meyerovich, Gideon Mamou, Sigal Ben-Yehuda
Visualizing high error levels during gene expression in living bacterial cells.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A: 2010, 107(25);11543-8
(I p)
Christine Pybus, Mario Pedraza-Reyes, Christian A Ross, Holly Martin, Katherine Ona, Ronald E Yasbin, Eduardo Robleto
Transcription-associated mutation in Bacillus subtilis cells under stress.
J Bacteriol: 2010, 192(13);3321-8
(I p)
Jan Gerwig
not yet in SW
neue Funktionen für Excel
- ydaE, lipoat-Gene
neue Kategorien für Excel
- ydaE, lipoat-Gene
neue Regulons für Excel
- lcfA-fadR-fadB-etfB-etfA, lcfB, fadN-fadA-fadE: alle zu CcpA regulon, repression
neue IAX
- MecA-Spo0A
- NrgB-GlnA
- Regulators of core metabolism alle auch zu transcription factors and theirt control