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(Important original publications)
(Important Reviews)
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==Important Reviews==
==Important Reviews==
<pubmed> 12471245 12626683 16005287 20182599 19884039 18396093 17326815 16005287 15922599 21047262 22575476 23190137 23848140 23949602 24550892 25427009 </pubmed>
<pubmed> 12471245 12626683 16005287 20182599 19884039 18396093 17326815 16005287 15922599 21047262 22575476 23190137 23848140 23949602 24550892 26029202 25427009 26029191 25957405,26706151  ,28254403  27469316, 31974163</pubmed>
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Latest revision as of 12:41, 20 July 2020

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Genes in this functional category

The Min system

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Important original publications

Sattar Taheri-Araghi, Serena Bradde, John T Sauls, Norbert S Hill, Petra A Levin, Johan Paulsson, Massimo Vergassola, Suckjoon Jun
Cell-size control and homeostasis in bacteria.
Curr Biol: 2015, 25(3);385-391
[PubMed:25544609] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Heidi A Arjes, Allison Kriel, Nohemy A Sorto, Jared T Shaw, Jue D Wang, Petra Anne Levin
Failsafe mechanisms couple division and DNA replication in bacteria.
Curr Biol: 2014, 24(18);2149-2155
[PubMed:25176632] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Important Reviews

Truc Do, Julia E Page, Suzanne Walker
Uncovering the activities, biological roles, and regulation of bacterial cell wall hydrolases and tailoring enzymes.
J Biol Chem: 2020, 295(10);3347-3361
[PubMed:31974163] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Tanneke den Blaauwen, Leendert W Hamoen, Petra Anne Levin
The divisome at 25: the road ahead.
Curr Opin Microbiol: 2017, 36;85-94
[PubMed:28254403] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Heath Murray
Connecting chromosome replication with cell growth in bacteria.
Curr Opin Microbiol: 2016, 34;13-17
[PubMed:27469316] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Isabella V Hajduk, Christopher D A Rodrigues, Elizabeth J Harry
Connecting the dots of the bacterial cell cycle: Coordinating chromosome replication and segregation with cell division.
Semin Cell Dev Biol: 2016, 53;2-9
[PubMed:26706151] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Veronica W Rowlett, William Margolin
The Min system and other nucleoid-independent regulators of Z ring positioning.
Front Microbiol: 2015, 6;478
[PubMed:26029202] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (P e)

Alexander J F Egan, Waldemar Vollmer
The stoichiometric divisome: a hypothesis.
Front Microbiol: 2015, 6;455
[PubMed:26029191] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (P e)

Ye-Jin Eun, Mrinal Kapoor, Saman Hussain, Ethan C Garner
Bacterial Filament Systems: Toward Understanding Their Emergent Behavior and Cellular Functions.
J Biol Chem: 2015, 290(28);17181-9
[PubMed:25957405] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Dennis Claessen, Gilles P van Wezel
Off the wall.
Elife: 2014, 3;
[PubMed:25427009] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I e)

Leigh G Monahan, Andrew T F Liew, Amy L Bottomley, Elizabeth J Harry
Division site positioning in bacteria: one size does not fit all.
Front Microbiol: 2014, 5;19
[PubMed:24550892] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (P e)

Mariana G Pinho, Morten Kjos, Jan-Willem Veening
How to get (a)round: mechanisms controlling growth and division of coccoid bacteria.
Nat Rev Microbiol: 2013, 11(9);601-14
[PubMed:23949602] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Orietta Massidda, Linda Nováková, Waldemar Vollmer
From models to pathogens: how much have we learned about Streptococcus pneumoniae cell division?
Environ Microbiol: 2013, 15(12);3133-57
[PubMed:23848140] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

L G Monahan, E J Harry
Identifying how bacterial cells find their middle: a new perspective.
Mol Microbiol: 2013, 87(2);231-4
[PubMed:23190137] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

An-Chun Chien, Norbert S Hill, Petra Anne Levin
Cell size control in bacteria.
Curr Biol: 2012, 22(9);R340-9
[PubMed:22575476] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Matthew T Cabeen, Christine Jacobs-Wagner
The bacterial cytoskeleton.
Annu Rev Genet: 2010, 44;365-92
[PubMed:21047262] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Martin Thanbichler
Synchronization of chromosome dynamics and cell division in bacteria.
Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol: 2010, 2(1);a000331
[PubMed:20182599] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Marc Bramkamp, Suey van Baarle
Division site selection in rod-shaped bacteria.
Curr Opin Microbiol: 2009, 12(6);683-8
[PubMed:19884039] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Daniel P Haeusser, Petra Anne Levin
The great divide: coordinating cell cycle events during bacterial growth and division.
Curr Opin Microbiol: 2008, 11(2);94-9
[PubMed:18396093] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (P p)

Imrich Barák, Anthony J Wilkinson
Division site recognition in Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis.
FEMS Microbiol Rev: 2007, 31(3);311-26
[PubMed:17326815] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (P p)

Nathan W Goehring, Jon Beckwith
Diverse paths to midcell: assembly of the bacterial cell division machinery.
Curr Biol: 2005, 15(13);R514-26
[PubMed:16005287] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (P p)

Thomas Kruse, Kenn Gerdes
Bacterial DNA segregation by the actin-like MreB protein.
Trends Cell Biol: 2005, 15(7);343-5
[PubMed:15922599] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (P p)

Jeffery Errington, Richard A Daniel, Dirk-Jan Scheffers
Cytokinesis in bacteria.
Microbiol Mol Biol Rev: 2003, 67(1);52-65, table of contents
[PubMed:12626683] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (P p)

Lucy Shapiro, Harley H McAdams, Richard Losick
Generating and exploiting polarity in bacteria.
Science: 2002, 298(5600);1942-6
[PubMed:12471245] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

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