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= Die Sprache der RNA: Von RNA-Schaltern zu CRISPR/ Cas =
= Die Sprache der RNA: Von RNA-Schaltern zu CRISPR/ Cas =
== Riboswitches ==
== What makes RNA such a special molecule – specific chemical and structural features of RNA: Niklas Kehl ==
<pubmed>   27607554      26655897
<pubmed> 21930584</pubmed>
  28121427      29618088
== RNA synthesis – DNA and RNA dependent RNA polymerases and primase during transcription, replication and repair: Andrea Lehner ==
    25794618    25794617
<pubmed>  24219496 8156586 28979293 26109351</pubmed>
== Ribozymes (catalytically active RNAs: Christian Thielscher) ==
<pubmed>  21930582 22454536 14730013 10554775 21930585 6297745</pubmed>
== The Ribosome - the role and function of ribosomal RNAs and the central dogma of molecular biology: Matthias Lenz ==
<pubmed> 18292779 21930591 25500179</pubmed>
  25848023    24769284
== The Splicosome - the mechanism of mRNA splicing – alternative gene expression, genome size definition and phenotype plasticity: Christian Schneider ==
<pubmed>  24452469,26682498 25798239 </pubmed>
== Riboregulation and virulence, targeting by antibiotics: Theresia Eisele ==
  28206750  28375729    28396576    28541183    28455443
    29537923      27798597
    29135333  29420816  28611182</pubmed>
== Riboregulation and virulence, targeting by antibiotics ==
<pubmed>27651123      26416753
<pubmed>27651123      26416753
   27120414   27672192  28434876  28529506 28886688</pubmed> 
  27672192  28434876  28529506 28886688</pubmed>  
== Riboswitch modeling: Mark Sinzger ==
<pubmed>19381267 28591515 27378291</pubmed>
== RNA-based second messengers ==
<pubmed>28420751    25616065
== The RNA world and evolution: Roman Doll ==
<pubmed>       25109990 25385129    25734234 25739364    26439358 17540026 29031737      28657884  19117371</pubmed>
== RNA modification: Jan Michel Göring ==
<pubmed>     26189113   26832457   27375676
     28264529 28624569</pubmed>
== Ribozymes ==
<pubmed>27130889        15029187   18079181
    19781673   21848325
  24769284    28192411
26481500     17624654  27408700
    27687155      20100492    27187488
  28620029  28697848    28733144
== RNA degradation/processing: Lena Kricsfalussy-Hrabar ==
<pubmed>      26096689  28202538    19239894 </pubmed>
     28818345  28951565  26481500</pubmed>
== Regulation by non-coding RNA: Maxin Drömer ==
<pubmed>        18981470     24667238 </pubmed>
== Protein- or tRNA-controlled RNA switches ==
== RNA dependent DNA Polymerases - from telomerase to retroviruses: Ansgar Stenzel==
<pubmed>25959893        24816551
<pubmed>      18972389 26830230     28141967 </pubmed>  
== RNA thermometers ==
== The RNA world and evolution ==
<pubmed>      25109990
  25385129    25734234
    25739364    26439358
  29031737      28657884
== RNA modification ==
<pubmed>      26189113    26832457  27375676
== CRISPR/Cas: Science – the bacterial “immune” system: Maximilian Schreier ==
<pubmed>      29358495      29169146 28375731</pubmed>
== CRISPR/Cas: Application and groundbreaking  perspectives: Johann Liebeton ==
<pubmed>    26771484 </pubmed>  
== RNA degradation/ processing ==
== Synthesis, maturation and function of tRNAs – The wobble hypothesis and specific codon usage as a molecular barrier for horizontal gene transfer: Artur Fornol ==
<pubmed>       26096689  28202538</pubmed>
<pubmed>   22016848 26186290 21957054 23166520 21930591</pubmed>  
== Regulation by non-coding RNA==
== Outlook: Finding function in mystery transcripts – eRNAs, long-non coding (lncRNA) and circular RNA (circRNA) ==
<pubmed>         18981470
<pubmed>       28533025 25561718 26883671 28485684 29182528 21925379</pubmed>
== Outlook: RNA and SELEX – new prospects and applications for targeted interference with regulatory pathways ==
<pubmed>  17627883 19943183  </pubmed>
== RNA-based second messengers: Jörg Stülke ==
<pubmed> 28420751    25616065 25682701    25869574 26280533</pubmed>
== CRISPR/Cas: Science ==
== Riboswitches: Jörg Stülke ==
<pubmed>        28375731</pubmed>
<pubmed>   27607554      26655897   28121427      29618088 25794618    25794617 25848023    24769284 25571850   25964329 25959893       24816551 25583497  26118534 26494285 28206750  28375729    28396576    28541183    28455443   29537923      27798597 29135333  29420816  28611182</pubmed>
== RNA dependent RNA Polymerases – the RNA replicase ==
<pubmed>          29439438     18268843 9878607 </pubmed>
== The mysterious function and role of 6S-RNA and pRNA in bacteria ==
<pubmed>    24786589  17383220 24742053 23457253</pubmed>
== CRISPR/Cas: Application ==
== RNA thermometers==
<pubmed>       </pubmed>
<pubmed>25477380 27060146 </pubmed>

Latest revision as of 13:42, 27 July 2018


Die Sprache der RNA: Von RNA-Schaltern zu CRISPR/ Cas

What makes RNA such a special molecule – specific chemical and structural features of RNA: Niklas Kehl

David A Hiller, Scott A Strobel
The chemical versatility of RNA.
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci: 2011, 366(1580);2929-35
[PubMed:21930584] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

RNA synthesis – DNA and RNA dependent RNA polymerases and primase during transcription, replication and repair: Andrea Lehner

Savio T de Farias, Ariosvaldo P Dos Santos Junior, Thais G Rêgo, Marco V José
Origin and Evolution of RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase.
Front Genet: 2017, 8;125
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Thomas A Guilliam, Benjamin A Keen, Nigel C Brissett, Aidan J Doherty
Primase-polymerases are a functionally diverse superfamily of replication and repair enzymes.
Nucleic Acids Res: 2015, 43(14);6651-64
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Maria L Kireeva, Mikhail Kashlev, Zachary F Burton
RNA polymerase structure, function, regulation, dynamics, fidelity, and roles in gene expression.
Chem Rev: 2013, 113(11);8325-30
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S Buratowski
The basics of basal transcription by RNA polymerase II.
Cell: 1994, 77(1);1-3
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Ribozymes (catalytically active RNAs: Christian Thielscher)

Christian Hammann, Andrej Luptak, Jonathan Perreault, Marcos de la Peña
The ubiquitous hammerhead ribozyme.
RNA: 2012, 18(5);871-85
[PubMed:22454536] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Sidney Altman
Ribonuclease P.
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci: 2011, 366(1580);2936-41
[PubMed:21930585] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

David M J Lilley
Mechanisms of RNA catalysis.
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci: 2011, 366(1580);2910-7
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David M J Lilley
The Varkud satellite ribozyme.
RNA: 2004, 10(2);151-8
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R Shippy, R Lockner, M Farnsworth, A Hampel
The hairpin ribozyme. Discovery, mechanism, and development for gene therapy.
Mol Biotechnol: 1999, 12(1);117-29
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Self-splicing RNA: autoexcision and autocyclization of the ribosomal RNA intervening sequence of Tetrahymena.
Cell: 1982, 31(1);147-57
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The Ribosome - the role and function of ribosomal RNAs and the central dogma of molecular biology: Matthias Lenz

The Splicosome - the mechanism of mRNA splicing – alternative gene expression, genome size definition and phenotype plasticity: Christian Schneider

Panagiotis Papasaikas, Juan Valcárcel
The Spliceosome: The Ultimate RNA Chaperone and Sculptor.
Trends Biochem Sci: 2016, 41(1);33-45
[PubMed:26682498] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Yan Wang, Jing Liu, B O Huang, Yan-Mei Xu, Jing Li, Lin-Feng Huang, Jin Lin, Jing Zhang, Qing-Hua Min, Wei-Ming Yang, Xiao-Zhong Wang
Mechanism of alternative splicing and its regulation.
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A Gregory Matera, Zefeng Wang
A day in the life of the spliceosome.
Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol: 2014, 15(2);108-21
[PubMed:24452469] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Riboregulation and virulence, targeting by antibiotics: Theresia Eisele

Juan J Quereda, Pascale Cossart
Regulating Bacterial Virulence with RNA.
Annu Rev Microbiol: 2017, 71;263-280
[PubMed:28886688] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Petra Dersch, Muna A Khan, Sabrina Mühlen, Boris Görke
Roles of Regulatory RNAs for Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria and Their Potential Value as Novel Drug Targets.
Front Microbiol: 2017, 8;803
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Hao Wang, Paul A Mann, Li Xiao, Charles Gill, Andrew M Galgoci, John A Howe, Artjohn Villafania, Christopher M Barbieri, Juliana C Malinverni, Xinwei Sher, Todd Mayhood, Megan D McCurry, Nicholas Murgolo, Amy Flattery, Matthias Mack, Terry Roemer
Dual-Targeting Small-Molecule Inhibitors of the Staphylococcus aureus FMN Riboswitch Disrupt Riboflavin Homeostasis in an Infectious Setting.
Cell Chem Biol: 2017, 24(5);576-588.e6
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Andreas Matern, Danielle Pedrolli, Stephanie Großhennig, Jörgen Johansson, Matthias Mack
Uptake and Metabolism of Antibiotics Roseoflavin and 8-Demethyl-8-Aminoriboflavin in Riboflavin-Auxotrophic Listeria monocytogenes.
J Bacteriol: 2016, 198(23);3233-3243
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Aaron M Nuss, Ann Kathrin Heroven, Petra Dersch
RNA Regulators: Formidable Modulators of Yersinia Virulence.
Trends Microbiol: 2017, 25(1);19-34
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Daniel Dar, Maya Shamir, J R Mellin, Mikael Koutero, Noam Stern-Ginossar, Pascale Cossart, Rotem Sorek
Term-seq reveals abundant ribo-regulation of antibiotics resistance in bacteria.
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John A Howe, Hao Wang, Thierry O Fischmann, Carl J Balibar, Li Xiao, Andrew M Galgoci, Juliana C Malinverni, Todd Mayhood, Artjohn Villafania, Ali Nahvi, Nicholas Murgolo, Christopher M Barbieri, Paul A Mann, Donna Carr, Ellen Xia, Paul Zuck, Dan Riley, Ronald E Painter, Scott S Walker, Brad Sherborne, Reynalda de Jesus, Weidong Pan, Michael A Plotkin, Jin Wu, Diane Rindgen, John Cummings, Charles G Garlisi, Rumin Zhang, Payal R Sheth, Charles J Gill, Haifeng Tang, Terry Roemer
Selective small-molecule inhibition of an RNA structural element.
Nature: 2015, 526(7575);672-7
[PubMed:26416753] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Riboswitch modeling: Mark Sinzger

Christopher Schneider, Leo Bronstein, Jascha Diemer, Heinz Koeppl, Beatrix Suess
ROC'n'Ribo: Characterizing a Riboswitching Expression System by Modeling Single-Cell Data.
ACS Synth Biol: 2017, 6(7);1211-1224
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Marco Barsacchi, Eva Maria Novoa, Manolis Kellis, Alessio Bechini
SwiSpot: modeling riboswitches by spotting out switching sequences.
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Chase L Beisel, Christina D Smolke
Design principles for riboswitch function.
PLoS Comput Biol: 2009, 5(4);e1000363
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The RNA world and evolution: Roman Doll

Ádám Kun, Ádám Radványi
The evolution of the genetic code: Impasses and challenges.
Biosystems: 2018, 164;217-225
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Thomas Fouqueau, Fabian Blombach, Finn Werner
Evolutionary Origins of Two-Barrel RNA Polymerases and Site-Specific Transcription Initiation.
Annu Rev Microbiol: 2017, 71;331-348
[PubMed:28657884] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Abe Pressman, Celia Blanco, Irene A Chen
The RNA World as a Model System to Study the Origin of Life.
Curr Biol: 2015, 25(19);R953-63
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Jessica C Bowman, Nicholas V Hud, Loren Dean Williams
The ribosome challenge to the RNA world.
J Mol Evol: 2015, 80(3-4);143-61
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Daniel Lundin, Gustav Berggren, Derek T Logan, Britt-Marie Sjöberg
The origin and evolution of ribonucleotide reduction.
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Paul G Higgs, Niles Lehman
The RNA World: molecular cooperation at the origins of life.
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Markus Ralser
The RNA world and the origin of metabolic enzymes.
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RNA modification: Jan Michel Göring

Baixing Wu, Li Li, Ying Huang, Jinbiao Ma, Jinrong Min
Curr Opin Struct Biol: 2017, 47;67-76
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Hiroyuki Hori
Transfer RNA methyltransferases with a SpoU-TrmD  (SPOUT) fold and their modified nucleosides in  tRNA.
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Ajay K Rana, Serge Ankri
Reviving the RNA World: An Insight into the Appearance of RNA Methyltransferases.
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Marcus Fislage, Lina Wauters, Wim Versées
Invited review: MnmE, a GTPase that drives a complex tRNA modification reaction.
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Clément Dégut, Luc Ponchon, Marcia Folly-Klan, Pierre Barraud, Carine Tisné
The m1A(58) modification in eubacterial tRNA: An overview of tRNA recognition and mechanism of catalysis by TrmI.
Biophys Chem: 2016, 210;27-34
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RNA degradation/processing: Lena Kricsfalussy-Hrabar

John C Zinder, Christopher D Lima
Targeting RNA for processing or destruction by the eukaryotic RNA exosome and its cofactors.
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Soraya Aït-Bara, Agamemnon J Carpousis
RNA degradosomes in bacteria and chloroplasts: classification, distribution and evolution of RNase E homologs.
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Jonathan Houseley, David Tollervey
The many pathways of RNA degradation.
Cell: 2009, 136(4);763-76
[PubMed:19239894] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Regulation by non-coding RNA: Maxin Drömer

Yvonne Göpel, Muna A Khan, Boris Görke
Ménage à trois: post-transcriptional control of the key enzyme for cell envelope synthesis by a base-pairing small RNA, an RNase adaptor protein, and a small RNA mimic.
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Boris Görke, Jörg Vogel
Noncoding RNA control of the making and breaking of sugars.
Genes Dev: 2008, 22(21);2914-25
[PubMed:18981470] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (P p)

RNA dependent DNA Polymerases - from telomerase to retroviruses: Ansgar Stenzel

R Alex Wu, Heather E Upton, Jacob M Vogan, Kathleen Collins
Telomerase Mechanism of Telomere Synthesis.
Annu Rev Biochem: 2017, 86;439-460
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Yoshiko Maida, Mami Yasukawa, Kenkichi Masutomi
De Novo RNA Synthesis by RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase Activity of Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase.
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George Tzertzinis, Stanley Tabor, Nicole M Nichols
RNA-dependent DNA polymerases.
Curr Protoc Mol Biol: 2008, Chapter 3;Unit3.7
[PubMed:18972389] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

CRISPR/Cas: Science – the bacterial “immune” system: Maximilian Schreier

Yoshizumi Ishino, Mart Krupovic, Patrick Forterre
History of CRISPR-Cas from Encounter with a Mysterious Repeated Sequence to Genome Editing Technology.
J Bacteriol: 2018, 200(7);
[PubMed:29358495] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I e)

Lina M Leon, Senén D Mendoza, Joseph Bondy-Denomy
How bacteria control the CRISPR-Cas arsenal.
Curr Opin Microbiol: 2018, 42;87-95
[PubMed:29169146] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Fuguo Jiang, Jennifer A Doudna
CRISPR-Cas9 Structures and Mechanisms.
Annu Rev Biophys: 2017, 46;505-529
[PubMed:28375731] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

CRISPR/Cas: Application and groundbreaking perspectives: Johann Liebeton

Addison V Wright, James K Nuñez, Jennifer A Doudna
Biology and Applications of CRISPR Systems: Harnessing Nature's Toolbox for Genome Engineering.
Cell: 2016, 164(1-2);29-44
[PubMed:26771484] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Synthesis, maturation and function of tRNAs – The wobble hypothesis and specific codon usage as a molecular barrier for horizontal gene transfer: Artur Fornol

Tessa E F Quax, Nico J Claassens, Dieter Söll, John van der Oost
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Tamir Tuller
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Richard Giegé, Frank Jühling, Joern Pütz, Peter Stadler, Claude Sauter, Catherine Florentz
Structure of transfer RNAs: similarity and variability.
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Ingo Wohlgemuth, Corinna Pohl, Joerg Mittelstaet, Andrey L Konevega, Marina V Rodnina
Evolutionary optimization of speed and accuracy of decoding on the ribosome.
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci: 2011, 366(1580);2979-86
[PubMed:21930591] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Outlook: Finding function in mystery transcripts – eRNAs, long-non coding (lncRNA) and circular RNA (circRNA)

Outlook: RNA and SELEX – new prospects and applications for targeted interference with regulatory pathways

Sujin Jeong, Seung Ryul Han, Young Ju Lee, Seong-Wook Lee
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Regina Stoltenburg, Christine Reinemann, Beate Strehlitz
SELEX--a (r)evolutionary method to generate high-affinity nucleic acid ligands.
Biomol Eng: 2007, 24(4);381-403
[PubMed:17627883] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (P p)

RNA-based second messengers: Jörg Stülke

Riboswitches: Jörg Stülke

Stefan Schwenk, Alexandra Moores, Irene Nobeli, Timothy D McHugh, Kristine B Arnvig
Cell-wall synthesis and ribosome maturation are co-regulated by an RNA switch in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Nucleic Acids Res: 2018, 46(11);5837-5849
[PubMed:29618088] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Laurène Bastet, Pierre Turcotte, Joseph T Wade, Daniel A Lafontaine
Maestro of regulation: Riboswitches orchestrate gene expression at the levels of translation, transcription and mRNA decay.
RNA Biol: 2018, 15(6);679-682
[PubMed:29537923] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Marc Vogel, Julia E Weigand, Britta Kluge, Manuel Grez, Beatrix Suess
A small, portable RNA device for the control of exon skipping in mammalian cells.
Nucleic Acids Res: 2018, 46(8);e48
[PubMed:29420816] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Etienne B Greenlee, Shira Stav, Ruben M Atilho, Kenneth I Brewer, Kimberly A Harris, Sarah N Malkowski, Gayan Mirihana Arachchilage, Kevin R Perkins, Madeline E Sherlock, Ronald R Breaker
Challenges of ligand identification for the second wave of orphan riboswitch candidates.
RNA Biol: 2018, 15(3);377-390
[PubMed:29135333] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

James W Nelson, Ronald R Breaker
The lost language of the RNA World.
Sci Signal: 2017, 10(483);
[PubMed:28611182] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I e)

Hannah Steinert, Florian Sochor, Anna Wacker, Janina Buck, Christina Helmling, Fabian Hiller, Sara Keyhani, Jonas Noeske, Steffen Grimm, Martin M Rudolph, Heiko Keller, Rachel Anne Mooney, Robert Landick, Beatrix Suess, Boris Fürtig, Jens Wöhnert, Harald Schwalbe
Pausing guides RNA folding to populate transiently stable RNA structures for riboswitch-based transcription regulation.
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Joseph E Wedekind, Debapratim Dutta, Ivan A Belashov, Jermaine L Jenkins
Metalloriboswitches: RNA-based inorganic ion sensors that regulate genes.
J Biol Chem: 2017, 292(23);9441-9450
[PubMed:28455443] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Phillip J McCown, Keith A Corbino, Shira Stav, Madeline E Sherlock, Ronald R Breaker
Riboswitch diversity and distribution.
RNA: 2017, 23(7);995-1011
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Christopher P Jones, Adrian R Ferré-D'Amaré
Long-Range Interactions in Riboswitch Control of Gene Expression.
Annu Rev Biophys: 2017, 46;455-481
[PubMed:28375729] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Maja Etzel, Mario Mörl
Synthetic Riboswitches: From Plug and Pray toward Plug and Play.
Biochemistry: 2017, 56(9);1181-1198
[PubMed:28206750] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Svetlana V Harbaugh, Michael S Goodson, Kateri Dillon, Sarah Zabarnick, Nancy Kelley-Loughnane
Riboswitch-Based Reversible Dual Color Sensor.
ACS Synth Biol: 2017, 6(5);766-781
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Kyle E Watters, Eric J Strobel, Angela M Yu, John T Lis, Julius B Lucks
Cotranscriptional folding of a riboswitch at nucleotide resolution.
Nat Struct Mol Biol: 2016, 23(12);1124-1131
[PubMed:27798597] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Anna V Sherwood, Tina M Henkin
Riboswitch-Mediated Gene Regulation: Novel RNA Architectures Dictate Gene Expression Responses.
Annu Rev Microbiol: 2016, 70;361-74
[PubMed:27607554] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

Aiming Ren, Yi Xue, Alla Peselis, Alexander Serganov, Hashim M Al-Hashimi, Dinshaw J Patel
Structural and Dynamic Basis for Low-Affinity, High-Selectivity Binding of L-Glutamine by the Glutamine Riboswitch.
Cell Rep: 2015, 13(9);1800-13
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Danielle Biscaro Pedrolli, Christian Kühm, Daniel C Sévin, Michael P Vockenhuber, Uwe Sauer, Beatrix Suess, Matthias Mack
A dual control mechanism synchronizes riboflavin and sulphur metabolism in Bacillus subtilis.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A: 2015, 112(45);14054-9
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Aiming Ren, Kanagalaghatta R Rajashankar, Dinshaw J Patel
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